
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ad Sense...Friendship

I was sooo excited to get Papertrey Ink's new Ad Sense stamp set.  My mind was seriously racing with ideas to pair it with some of my favorite October Afternoon papers...I just can't get enough OA!  Were you lucky enough to get in on their warehouse sale?  It was so awesome that they opened up the sale to online ordering...the prices ROCKED, and I was able to totally stock up.  Keep your eyes open for some fun new OA projects.  Okay...back to the card.  Haha!
I really wanted to do some stitching on this card, but my sewing machine just wasn't cooperating.  I like it anyway, though, and the little PTI Floral Fusion flower (say that three times fast!) was just the sweet final touch that I was looking for.
Alright, off to get the dinner dishes done...thanks for stopping by, and have a super evening!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Update...and Easter!

I've been such a bad blogger...but for lots of reasons.  I'm talking about not only computer, internet AND camera issues, but a nasty infection that has literally kicked my hind end.  I have an iffy history with antibiotics (we're definitely NOT good friends) which always makes any infection harder to manage than it should be...anyway, I'm on the mend and soooo happy to be back to the land of blog!!
I have so much to share, so let's start with some Easter fun!  As I wasn't feeling so hot, I went with something simple and used some of my faves for this year's card...Papertrey Ink cardstock, ribbon, doily die and stamps; SU! ink; and Cosmo Cricket DP.  A couple sweet pearls seemed just the right final touch. 
There was a lot of "buzz" on the PTI forum about Easter foodie projects using Peeps...and I couldn't resist joining in the fun!.

I'd be lying if I said the cake was the hit of the Easter party...the hit of any party is ALWAYS our grandson, Timothy!  The weather was beautiful...perfect for his first egg hunt!
Such fun for our sweet boy!  Thanks for visiting!